Friday, January 18, 2013

Law of Attraction (JC)

The Buddha said, "What you have become is the result of what you have thought".   There is power in belief.  How do we begin to believe in the things that will attract the right kind of people, places and things into our lives?  We make a decision!  It’s time in 2013 to make a decision on how you want to feel.
In recent years there have been numerous books and discussions around the idea that people attract what they desire whether positive or negative.  It’s been called the “Law of Attraction”.  Esther Hicks, one of the pioneers of the Law of Attraction says: “You are a creator; you create with your every thought.”   
Wikipedia says that “attraction is when  …people experience the corresponding manifestations of their predominant thoughts, feelings, words, and actions.”  This is basically saying that we have direct control over reality through thought alone.”   That is, a person's thoughts (conscious and unconscious), emotions, beliefs and actions are said to attract corresponding positive and negative experiences.   I get that—do you?  Good.

But I caution you…  Look at the Law of Attraction and understand that it has some merits and flaws.

The idea of ATTRACTION was born during The Great Depression through a guy by the name of Napoleon Hill who wrote the book Think and Grow Rich.  It’s a good read.  In fact, at the time of Hill’s death the book had sold over $70-million copies.  His bestseller book made the ideas of attraction popular and over time led to the development of what we know today as the “Law of Attraction”.   Incidentally, my favorite chapter in Think and Grow Rich is titled “Sex Transmutation—why most men don’t succeed until after 40.” 



The Tenth Step toward Riches

 You have to be smart with the idea of attraction. It works for the individual but should never become a social or moral philosophy.  Simply ask yourself this:  Do people in Third World countries living under ruthless dictators attract those circumstances?  Do the innocent civilians in Afghanistan attract the bombs and mortar fire they experience every day and night?  
 Does 2/3 of the world that is poor attract their poverty and disease? Or more personally, do kids in a classroom attract some psycho-path killer—OF COURSE NOT!   
We have to be careful here… 

I am a believer in some aspects of the Law of Attraction but we have to understand it contextually.  In fact, it is clear to me that the Law of Attraction, as it is presently taught, is a First World philosophy most effectively applied in democratic and European countries. This philosophy is most applicable for those among us who are privileged.

Now with my disclaimer’s out of the way let’s look at what the Buddha said once again:  "What you have become is the result of what you have thought".   
Think about that for yourself the individual.  It’s true. 

There are many opportunities in our lives when we attract the very thing we wanted.  It’s magical!  When we really want something our minds and bodies place us where we can experience that something, for better or for worse.  We put our intention out and it comes back fulfilled.  We literally move toward what we want and want we want magically moves toward us.  As they say “Be careful of what you ask for”.

I challenge you to try again and ask for what you want. Pray and meditate daily, commune with nature, practice being more open, real, honest, transparent, intimate, joyful, blissful, happy, and thankful and what you ask for will be answered.

For 2013 I want you to trust your connection to Spirit—to all things.  Allow your mind to be open to new and refreshing thoughts and I promise you that you will watch amazing things happen!  But remember you first must believe.  
Words from Neil Donald Walsch add a fitting close to this blog:  “Little by little, what changed WAS my perception of what was happening... As soon as my perception shifted, I began to see a shift as well in my experience of life...”  
Rev. John

1 comment:

  1. There is power in belief. How do The Law of Attraction we begin to believe in the things that will attract the right kind of people, places and things into our lives? We make a decision!
