On his last visit, it was early in the morning. Joni and I could not find him. He'd just arrived for breakfast. Minutes later... "Where did my dad go?" Joni wondered. We looked and looked when suddenly I saw him. He was back outside reading the newspaper on the trunk of my car while making his acquaintance with our neighbor.
When Bill came in he said, in his "Bill-ish" way of talking, "Well don't you know it, that fella is from North Dakota and, man, have you see his hydrangeas...?" He went on and on... In the span of 15-minutes, curious Bill had found out more about our neighbor then we had over the last two years.
This is one of many stories of how Bill learns new things every day in his very whimsical, extroverted and "Bill-ish" way. He is in his 70's now but his curiosity with people, places and things is always growing. I believe this keeps Bill alive, active, healthy and whole. His curiosity gives his life meaning and energizes his mind, body and spirit. I believe his way of being is vital to longevity and spiritual health.
The fact is, we are curious beings created by an ever-expanding universe. As it grows and expands, we too must grow and expand because we are it and it is us. If we are not conscious of what we learn, if we are not willing to grow and evolve we are stifling our personal power and spiritual capacity as conscious beings.

In the Spirit of curiosity,
Rev. John
PS: Many of you know I was recently featured in the Washington Post - here is the link to the article: washingtonpost.com/blogs
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