Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Closed Mouth, Opened Heart - Conscious Listening (JC)

In the Hindu/Buddhist tradition many believe there are seven chakras or seven centers in the body where one can collect energy, wisdom, insight, foresight, strength, compassion, power and love.  These energy centers are connected to particular glands in the body.  As one becomes master over oneself, he/she can open and close these energy centers as needed given the situation.

As an example, if I wanted to intuit a person's motives I could open my sixth chakra, also known as the "third eye" which regulates clarity, intuition, clear thinking and vision.  This energy center is located just above the eyes in the center of the forehead.

Chakras are important when I think about our ministry together at the UUCA.  We are in the business of developing intimate relationships with one another.  We grow closer by getting to know each other.  We get to know each other by listening to each other's stories.  When we hear each other in, love pains are endured and healed, wounds are closed, and love is given and received.

To build better relationships at church, at home or at work we must become better listeners.  That's what our monthly theme Sabbath is about to me--being quiet long enough to hear the other. When listening, practice opening only two energy centers (chakras 4 and 7) the heart and crown chakras which regulate love and spiritual connection.  When we enter into relationships from a spiritual perspective guided by love only good can be manifest.

I have personally felt the power of these energy centers in my life for better and for worse.  I've been in difficult conversations where I want the other person to see what I see.  I intentionally kept my third-eye chakra open trying to guess what this person is thinking, trying to convince them that my way was better.  But ultimately the conversation failed.  It is only when I made the decision to close the third-eye chakra and focus my energy on compassion and love, in the name of Spirit, that I began to hear/see things anew.  The conversation continued and healing occurred.

For the rest of this month of Sabbath, try to consciously listen to others.  Open your heart and spirit to love.  Take your eyes off of yourself and place them on someone else.  Practice conscious listening and things will transform!

7 Chakras for Beginners: Healing, Balancing, Opening Chakras: Exercises, Foods, Colors

Love and light,

Rev. John

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