Tuesday, May 15, 2012


Need a visit or a call from one of your ministers?  The UUCA ministerial team is here for you.  As your Associate Minister with a social justice portfolio, I spend much of my time in the community.  However, I am still one of YOUR ministers and I'm here to provide pastoral counseling and care to you and your family when needed.  My colleagues echo my sentiment and are available as well.

Additionally, UUCA has a Pastoral Care Team that is also available.  They are just an e-mail away.  Contact Jeanne Slawson jeanneslawson@gmail.com  or Caroline Hadley c_hadley@verizon.net. 

We know there are many pains, transitions, homecomings/goings, and sorrows in our congregation.  Your ministers are here to celebrate and mourn with you.  Please do not shy away from reaching out to us.  Remember, we cannot always know your hurt or struggle unless you express it to us.

Together we will continue to build a church that nurtures the spirit and feeds the soul as we build bold and compassionate lives together.  Talk to you soon.

Rev. John
Email for UUCA Ministers

Fred Muir -  minister@uuca-md.org
Christina Leone - faithdev@uuca-md.org
Anastassia Zinke - intern@uuca-md.org

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